Do you ever have one of those days where you are rushing from one thing to another, that you miss something?

“The aim is to balance the terror of being alive with the wonder of being alive.” ― Carlos Castaneda

Choices, choices, choices!
Do you find yourselves being pulled in different directions?
I don’t know about you, but I have had a challenging time finding balance between my financial goals and LIFE.
Even the best laid out plans have been met with some obstacles.
Whether you are balancing caring for your children, your aging parents, or both, just maneuvering the day to day can be chaotic.
It’s okay to just slow down . . . and breathe.
Image by Oberholster Venita from Pixabay
“In the event of an emergency, place the oxygen mask on yourself first.” ― Anonymous

Do you ever take a break?
I took a conscious break from social media to deal with the challenges that I was facing. I realized that I couldn’t choose everything, so I chose myself.
Sometimes a hike is all you need (Joshua Tree).
“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.” ― Stephen R. Covey
- Turn it Off. Take a break from social media for an hour, a day, a month or several months. Anyone over the age of 30 knows that you CAN survive with social media because they have lived it.
- Spend time Alone. If you are always taking care of ________ (fill in the blank), it is vital to take some time for yourself. Go for a walk, listen to some music, read a book in the bathroom. Yes, I said the bathroom. No one will bother you there!
- Fuel your Body. Add in more fruit and vegetables to your eating routine. Drink more water.
- Feed your Brain. Read a book or listen to an audiobook.
- Clear out the Clutter. Take 15 minutes every day to clear your space.
- “No,” is a complete sentence. It’s okay to say, “No.”
“Women need real moments of solitude and self-reflection to balance out how much of ourselves we give away.” ― Barbara De Angelis
What does life BALANCE have to do with money?
EVERYTHING! Carving out time for self, decluttering mind, body, and space helps return balance to life.
Taking small steps in your life to focus on what’s important (YOU), leads to taking small steps with the other priorities of life: faith/spirituality, family, friends, career . . . and your Money.
Lisa this is so true. It is so easy to get busy taking care of everyone else and being dead last on the list. Learning to say No and not feeling guilty is a great thing to learn. Thanks for the reminder to get some alone time.
So many good suggestions. Love this post.
Thanks Mary! Your posts are a wonderful reminder of this principle.