“Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them.” – William Arthur Ward

Maximize your earnings.
We all work hard for our money and I am no exception. But, anyone that knows me, knows that I try to maximize my earnings as much as possible.
How do I maximize my earnings?
I look for ways to earn additional income in my current profession, teaching.
Being a teacher can have its perks, if you look for them.
For instance, my school district: pays if I hold advanced degrees, pays for training to improve my teaching skills, and offers a salary bump for being a National Board Certified teacher.
LOOK for the opportunities and they will continue to present themselves.
Regardless of your profession, be OPEN to opportunity. If you’re not sure where to start, here are some ideas for starting a side hustle.

The key is to say, “Yes.”
- Investing in an online Masters program provided the salary bump I needed to maximize my earning potential.
- Becoming a National Board Certified teacher added 15% to my salary.
- Mentoring one new teacher turned into supporting new and veteran teachers through the evaluation process.
- Providing one parent workshop transitioned into regularly leading parent workshops.
- Taking content training on my own time segued into leading new curriculum implementations.
As a result, I supplement my income, doing what I love, teaching.
Regardless of your profession, don’t pass up those opportunities to use your talents to earn additional income.
There is power in YES.